CoCo is the ultimate sleuth
She forever believes in the absolute truth
and no matter what sort of vexing trial
She is always dressed in on-the-edge style
She does not care what others may say
She knows she’s a miracle every day
because it matters not how much you shout
All that matters is that the truth comes out
She’s got a look that’s fit and strong
cause you gotta take care of what gets you along
Because she appreciates and works with what she has
Everyone thinks she has lots of pizzazz
Her hair is wild and over-the-top
Sometimes red and sometimes not
It acts as her antenna to feel out a space before she’s in it
A dilemma-deterrent when her dues are current
She’s CoCo Cool in her dark glasses
Based on RayBan’s Wayfarers of the past – ahhh!
Her lips are pursed and really, really red
Ready to speak when the Truth bubbles ahead
She never stops being who she really is
She thinks life is not a game show quiz
On the style of others she does not depend
She has no desire to only pretend
Her most important action is to always TRY!
And it’s ok to sometimes have a good cry
And when she stumbles, she moves ahead
She just can’t stop until it’s time to retread
She believes in consideration –
That what you say, you should do
Or if you can’t – recant –
and, at least, let them know what you know, too
In her logo are the Crosshairs, a calibration of the sight
a guide to find your center any time, day or night
From Earth’s core to the heavens when we’re standing upright
And where the sea meets the sky another reference, left to right
An intersection of two axes – two ways to focus bright
CoCo’s Pearls are symbolic of wisdom and grace
What began as an irritant inside an oyster’s face
Turns grit into beauty and luminous plunge
A bauble for quietness when used under the tongue
And Spirals she loves for she is always sprouting new growth
vining unpredictable, and staying true to her oath
She believes Newness is Goodness when we finally let go
When we stop restricting ourselves from the NeverEnding Flow
Her best friend’s a study of texture and sight
The colors of SushiBarlow are quite bright
But don’t let her fool you – that’s her Secret Agent call
She’s brutal with the truth, in fact, she is quite raw!
CoCo met Sushi Barlow beneath the sea
They were diving for pearls on the island of Tahiti
After 21 minutes, Sushi’s fins started to grow
She’s a closet mermaid but no one knows but CoCo.
CoCo dreams of another planet – one she’s been to before,
Not encumbered by gravity or the fears we may store
A clear place, a light place, a place to take a chance
The planet, UtopiTango©, is the Ideal Place to Dance
Her special shoes, her dancing shoes came from there, you know
And remove the heavy feelings of the emotions we don’t want to show
A clear place, a light place, a place to take a chance
The planet, UtopiTango©, is the Ideal Place to Dance
CoCo came back to this Earth to fulfill a special mission
To help us see the Why and the issues that we’re missing
To mine through the sediment and bring them to the Light
To be a bridge, to help you out, and reconstitute your might
But when she returned she forgot the lesson, the lesson of Mother Earth
who places a veil to help us forget so we can learn again our lessons
We have to learn and earn, leave our ego – not an easy task
to take responsibility for the lessons of our past.
It’s heavy here but I will learn for deep inside I know
I’m CoCo Cheznaynay and it’s the only way to GoGo
A Secret Agent of Truth & Style – own all of who you are
Find the Courage, get the help and see it’s not that far
But just like life, you must face your fears before you see the beauty.
I know it ‘s not always pleasant but as an Agent it’s your duty
CoCo wants more Agents now to help her in life’s quest
Do you fit the Agent Profile? Do you want to be your best?
There are many grids we cannot see
We each are a point and we all must agree
to help each other find our place
if one is missing we don’t all elevate
We never know who is on our grid
That’s why it’s important to open the lid
To all that you are and wish others to be
Totally, truly all we must see
So remember the Code de CoCo
Be true to yourself always
Discover your Mission by discovering yourself
And don’t just be a SoSo
Let’s bring it here – that good feeling place in our hearts
Our soul knows the way – we just need to start
A clear place, a light place, a place to take a chance
The planet, UtopiTango©, is the Ideal Place to Dance
Now you know the story of SecretAgent CoCo
And you have in your head a little SecretAgent Info
Be an Agent for Good in your own hood
And the world will be a bit more MacnifiCoCo!